We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.
— Kurt Vonnegut

I grew up in the South, in the middle of cotton fields, where worth was measured by what you could do. I could work. But I always longed for play and eventually built a professional career around play and learning. Here, you’ll find evidence of that same essential play now taking the form of shapes and colors on canvas. You’ll see my efforts to capture the taste and feel of a moment in time, precious and bittersweet, and so quickly come and gone.

I’m glad you’re here because the play has always been shared. I share these images with you in the hope that they will touch your heart and your sense of the fleeting nature of time. As in all play, I will fall down and fall short, but with you with me this venture will be its own shared joy.

I’d love to hear from you.